• Family Notes


Please check out our Calendar below. Please scroll to the Spark's life section for additional details on these events.

Important dates this week:

  • May 27th: Memorial Day Holiday

First page of the PDF file: SEECalendar23-244_2

Click on the image above to download the PDF of the calendar in English and Spanish. Physical copies will be sent home in your student's Homework folder. Extra copies are available at the front office. 

Happy Friday SPARK families, 

Our SPARKS calendars have been packed with activities these past weeks! Our students have been busy learning and enjoying memorable moments with their peers. They have also been actively involved in their End-of-Year MAP tests. This week we had the opportunity to celebrate all our sparks have accomplished this school year at our End of the year ceremonies and today we closed the week celebrating the graduation of the very first 5th grade class at Yes Prep elementaries! 

I would like to express my gratitude for your support of the Family Association. Thanks to your contributions and participation in our fundraising events throughout the school year, they were able to organize a wonderful luncheon for Teacher Appreciation Week on  May 10, 2024 to show our Teachers, Teaching Assistants, and all staff how much we value them. The gestures of appreciation – the sweet treats, gifts, letters, and donations truly brought joy to our Teachers & Staff! 

As the end of the school year approaches, I understand the challenge of motivating our children to finish the year strong. We, parents, play a crucial role in encouraging them during these final days. The school has various exciting events planned including MAP/STAAR celebrations and classroom parties. Please refer to the calendar above for more information and attendance incentives. 


Suyapa V. Gomez 

Executive Assistant 



Student Handbook

 Please click on the image below to download a copy of our student handbook.

First page of the PDF file: SY23-24YESPrepStudentHandbook-PK-12BoardApproved6923

You may also access our student handbook here


Individual Campus Supplement

First page of the PDF file: SEEICSSY23-24_1

The Individual Campus Supplement is an additional resource to assist families and students in understanding how a specific campus carries out policies contained in the YES Prep Student Handbook. Families and students can refer to the handbook to better understand the policies YES Prep enacts.

Please click on the image below to download a copy of our individual campus supplement.

You may also access our ICS here





Student Assistance Forms

We know that you may have some needs that arise as a parent, or guardian. You can receive direct help by submitting a “Student Assistance Form” or, a SAF. To communicate any support needs you may have, please click on the SAF link on the district website or use the QR code below. The campus Student Support Counselor will follow up with you to determine the best way to get your need met. SAFs can be submitted for:

  • Urgent family concerns
  • Family or student supplies or resources needed for school (i.e., calculator, books, food)
  • Student social and emotional concerns
  • Student home or family concerns
  • Student relationship concerns
  • Concerns about harassment, race, or equity.


Laptop Collection 5/28

Families, please make sure your student brings their laptop and charger to school by Tuesday, May 28th and turns it in to their homeroom teacher. We are keeping laptops over the summer to ensure they are working properly for the following school year. If you have any questions please reach out to me directly via class dojo. 

School Year 2024-2025 Dress Code

YES Prep Public Schools believes in the power of community and school pride while also deeply valuing a student’s right to express their individuality without the fear of unnecessary discipline, body shaming, or the confines of gender norms. Students have the right to be treated equitably and dress code enforcement at YES Prep Public Schools will not create disparities, reinforce, or increase the marginalization of any group, nor will it be unfairly enforced more strictly against a student because of racial identity, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, cultural or religious identity, household income, body size or type, or body maturity.  

For the 2024-2025 school year, students are required to wear a YES Prep-branded uniform top five days a week, the last day of the week allows for a variation (i.e. – college t-shirt day). Students will be allowed to wear a uniform top from any previous school year (that fits uniform policy). 

Additional Guidance: 

  • All YES Prep students should own at least 1 campus polo. 
  • Uniforms from the 2023-2024 school year and previous years are acceptable if they meet the school’s uniform guidelines.  

Uniform Sale Price 










Uniform bundle: 3 spirit shirts, 2 polos 



The YES Prep polos and spirit shirts will be available for purchase online beginning Friday, May 17, 2024.  All information pertaining to student uniforms, the links to campus webstores, and distribution guidance can be found on the YES Prep Student Dress Code website.



The biggest driver to ensuring your students are well acclimated and ready for the rest of the year is ensuring they are on campus and ON TIME. We are committing to reaching out to families before our official attendance is captured daily to check on you and your SPARK and ensuring you make it to campus. We will list our whole campus Average Daily Attendance for families and be shouting out our attendance leaders in the coming weeks.

  • Monday: 94% 

  • Tuesday: 94.85% 

  • Wednesday: 95.96% 

  • Thursday: 92.41% 

  • Friday: 86.5% 

Please make sure you and your SPARKS are making it to campus every day by 7:20 so that they can be setup for success throughout the day. Thanks families!


Attendance Incentives



Traffic Procedures

Thank you for your patience as we have implemented the new traffic pattern this school year. Please continue to demonstrate our SPARKS values of Safety and Kindness when engaging with any staff member, family member or student during our arrival and dismissal procedures.

Parking Lot Reminders

  • Our parking lot will be accessible during arrival through the Shaver entrance and through the secondary parking lot.
  • ·Our Crenshaw entrance will open after 7:30AM for all late arrivals and will remain open until 2 PM when we will close it to begin our dismissal procedures. Then it will re-open at 3:30 PM for all traffic once the secondary campus begins their dismissal.
  • Walkers may use any space in our parking lot that is open, including the designated visitor parking. Please refrain from parking in handicap spots as violators may be ticketed at the owners expense. Also please do not double park your car in the middle lane of our parking lot as this is where buses travel to the bus unloading and it causes delays.
  • ·All traffic will exit our parking lot using the eastern most exit.

Flow of Traffic

Bus and Car Tags

All vehicles will be given a bright colored dismissal tag that must be visible through the front glass of the car. Staff directing traffic will use these visual tags to direct you accurately, failure to have a visible tag could result in traffic delays and unnecessary stopping. Please keep in mind, since we are sharing the Southeast Secondary’s parking lot, our dismissal process will end close to when theirs begins so staff will be able to quickly resolve traffic issues if they know what vehicles are designated for Southeast Elementary.


Leadership Team

  • Principal- Matthew McMahan: 713.967.7972
  • Director of Campus Operations -Wendy Rangel: 713.967.9030
  • Assistant Principal- Krestel Tomei: 713.967.8837
  • Assistant Principal-Edmund Lewis :713.842.5553
  • Dean of Instruction- Jess Walcik :713.967.9464
  • Dean of Instruction - Christian Diaz Muniz : 713.924.0698
  • Special Education Manager- Katia Rosado: 713.924.5624
  • Student Support Counselor- Amelia Ruiz Diaz : 713.924.5523
  • Executive Assistant- Suyapa Gomez: 713.967.8851
  • Compliance Specialist - Elsih Escoto : 713.967.9469



Core Values 

Campus values drive what communities believe, how they behave, and how they interact with one another. At YES Prep Elementary campuses, all staff and students live by the SPARKS values.


UPDATED Volunteering Procedures at SEE

Dear Sparks families,

We appreciate the dedication of our volunteers to our school. Understanding that everyone contributes to varying capacities, we have recently modified some of our procedures.


What’s new?

  • If you have already registered as a volunteer for this school year (daily, weekly, occasional), you will now be added to the ClassDojo: SEE Family Association/Volunteers group.
  • Volunteers will now need to register weekly using the provided registration links shared through the ClassDojo group: SEE Family Association/Volunteers class and Family Notes.
  • Special Events will have specific registration links shared in family notes and general ClassDojo posts.


 What remains the same?

  • Volunteer Expectations & Policies
  • Please note that all volunteers are required to complete a background check prior to serving. For additional questions regarding this policy please review the link shared above .
  • Connect with Ms. Gomez, the principal's executive assistant, for further questions at Suyapa.gomez@yesprep.org.



Student Handbooks and Supplements Available

Isamar Lopez-Veracruz, Director of Family Engagement


Please visit our website https://www.yesprep.org/families/student-handbook for the most up to date Student Handbook and campus supplements.


Academic Calendar Updates

Jenny Reiser, Director of School Projects

The YES Prep Academic Calendars have been updated for SY23-24 and SY24-25. See below for a summary of revisions made and communication timeline.

All updates have been made to the calendars posted on the YES Prep Website.



Dear SEE Families,

Exciting news! We're on the lookout for fantastic additions to our Sparks community for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, and we want your help.

Know a family that would thrive at SEE? Refer them, and not only will you be contributing to the growth of our vibrant community, but you'll also score some exclusive swag as a token of our appreciation!

Refer a family now: https://yesprep.org/referafamily

Let's make our YES Prep family even more extraordinary together!











  • Family Notes

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